The business landscape of the 21st century is characterized by rapid change brought about due to technological, economic, political and...
In the contemporary business environment, organizations fight the battle of competition by building their adaptive capabilities and preparedness for coping...
There are different kinds of change that an organization might undertake or be forced to undertake because of internal and...
Change Management in an organization aims at realizing the strategic goals and improving an organization’s preparedness for meeting both internal...
Research has shown that the best way to get the senior managers at all levels interested in the change initiatives...
It is often the case that when change programs are initiated in firms, there is a level of resistance from...
Change is an important and an indispensable part of the organizational life. It is all pervasive and hence comes the...
Individual sources of resistance towards a change exist in the basic human tenets or characteristics and are influenced by the...
According to Kotter and Schlesinger (1979) proposed six crucial techniques for overcoming the resistance to change. These are given below:...
Resistance to change is inevitable as there are many parties who stand to lose from change and apart from the...
We live in a world where increasing complexity is the order of the day and the business landscape is characterized...
Why is Change Resisted ? Any change anywhere, be it among nations, organizations, societies, or even families is hard to...
The other articles in this series on Change Management have listed the business imperatives for change as well as the...
Who doesn’t like change and who doesn’t want to change? These are certainly truisms in the 21st century landscape where...
It is often the case that companies are faced with a dilemma about whether the change initiatives must be driven...
Several change management experts have argued that Bottom Up Strategy for Change Management yields effective results comparatively over Top Down...
This module has covered the various aspects of change management and the roles played by senior management as well as...
We have seen how various factors contribute to the propagation of change within an organization. For instance, change can be...
Many organizations take the help of external consultants in identifying, recommending and implementing change. This article looks at whether there...
We have heard the story several times. A large conglomerate wants to implement a change management program, which it then...
In previous articles, at many places, we have discussed how the middle management is in the unique position of actualizing...
The very word bureaucracy conjures images of sloth, inefficiency and status quoist mindset. To associate bureaucracy with change would thus...
Is it easier to drive through change in family owned businesses or professionally run companies? This is a question that...
The business landscape of the 21st century is characterized by ever changing trends and events that happen with so much...
Happened Change This kind of change is unpredictable in nature and is usually takes place due to the impact of...
What is Strategic Change? In response to the fast changing and fluid marketplace and industry landscapes, many management thinkers came...
How often we hear of business leaders and CEO’s who have just taken over proclaim that they would undertake radical...
From the Smokestack Era to the Digital Era The role of management has changed over the decades as the paradigm...
Who Remembers these Companies ? Businesses, workers, and governments worldwide are feeling the effects of dizzying change wherein trends that...
Leaders play a crucial role in steering organizational change and inspire or stimulate people for achieving excellence at work by...
Over a past few decades the concept of “Organizational Learning” has acquired increasing importance, due to rapid changes in the...
Organizational vision & mission, provide a sense of purpose or establish the the reason of existence of an organization. According...
Several models of Change Management have been suggested by several management consultants, social scientists and clinical psychologists till date for...
Kurt Lewin’s Three Stages model or the Planned Approach to Organizational is one of the cornerstone models which is relevant...
John Kotter (1996), a Harvard Business School Professor and a renowned change expert, in his book “Leading Change”, introduced 8...
The contingency model is an extended version of Lewin’s three step in which Dunphy and Stace (1988, 1992 and 1993),...
Mintzberg and Quin (1991) proposed 4 broad situational factors which can influence the extent to which an organization can change....
This model of change is one of the unique models of change as propounded by Cynthia Scott & Dennis Jaffe...
Anderson & Anderson’s model of change provides a comprehensive coverage of the entire process of change and equally explains the...
McKinsey 7S model was developed by Robert Waterman and Tom Peters during early 1980s by the two consultants McKinsey Consulting...
In the present competitive scenario, modern organizations are faced with several challenges from the external environment which are political, social...
An extensive review of the literature details would reveal that both practitioners and academics have explained transformational models with varied...
The process of Transition Management involves the implementation of change through systematic planning, organizing and implementation of change to reach...
Organization as a system, depend on many interdependent factors which influence it’s day to day functioning, strategic decisions and future...
In the fast-changing business environment, the contemporary organization’s must learn to be more adaptable and flexible for successfully facing the...
Systems Model of Change The Systems Model of Change or Organization-Wide Change lays more emphasis on the fact that a...
For implementing a change program successfully, communication is the key and one of the most complex parameters as it involves...
Action Research is a useful method for facilitating organizational change by collaborating and involving the client in the entire process...
The term Psychological Contract gained popularity during the 1960s when its description and definitions were mentioned in the studies of...
The term Emotional Competence is treated as a buzzword in the present scenario and several studies, as well as investigations,...
Change agents act as the champions or change catalysts. The change agents may play the role of a consultant who...
Successful organizations evolve at lightning speed for remaining competitive and gaining a winning edge across the industry. This can be...
The Battle between Change Agents and Status Quo Adherents Every organization has its change agents who seek to take risks,...
Introduction The emergence of the network-based organizational structures and a movement away from the hierarchical structures that were the hallmark...
The Necessity of Change and Change Agents World Over World over, the leaders of nations and firms are grappling with...
What is Future Shock and what are Its Characteristics? In the 1970s, noted Futurist, Alvin Toffler, coined the term Future...
The Power of Individuals against Establishment Figures The Digital Age has upended many things and this includes the way in...
Dealing with Radical Change We live in times when change is the only constant. Indeed, organizations now compete in an...
What is Agile and what is meant by the VUCA World? It is hard not to miss the extensive press...
Corporate Planning in Earlier Decades Manufacturing Firms In manufacturing firms in the earlier decades, one of the most sought after...
What’s New and What’s the Same in the Digital Age The Digital Age is well and truly upon us. Everywhere...