One of the greatest criticisms that have been mounted against the six sigma methodology is the fact that there is...
Stratification is used mostly in the define stage of a six sigma project. When to use the stratification technique is...
The fishbone diagram, which also goes by a couple of other names like the Cause and effect diagram and the...
The Voice of Customer is not a tool that is used in Six Sigma process. It is the underlying philosophy...
TRIZ Matrix is a technique developed by Russian scientists to formalise the process of innovations. TRIZ is a Russian Acronym...
The Supplier, Input, Process, Output and Customer (SIPOC) Matrix is one of the most important tools that must be used...
A scatter plot is a graphical tool. It has been designed to ensure that it provides a convenient view of...
Imagine your company’s biggest client calls with a complaint about product defects. This isn’t the first time and if we’re...
The Pugh Matrix is one of the most widely used methods of finding out the best solution once a number...
What is the Pareto Principle ? The Pareto Principle was an observation of a famous Italian economist named Vilfredo Pareto....