Measurement Systems Analysis is a complicated exercise. However, Six Sigma provides a step by step procedure to conduct it. Also,...
A large amount of work needs to be done in the measure phase. This work also has a large impact...
Apart from accuracy and precision, there are more factors that determine the soundness of a measurement system. Two of these...
Measurement Systems analysis is an integral part of the Six Sigma project. No matter what project is being conducted under...
The list derived from the detailed process map needs to be shortlisted. This can be done in multiple ways. The...
Step 1: Decide Between a Normal Process Map v/s Swim Lanes Process maps can be built in the usual way...
Data can be described as the backbone of any six sigma project. This is because the whole idea of six...
The first step in the measure phase of a six sigma project is to create a detailed process map of...
The mention of the Measure phase of the Six Sigma module brings into mind pictures of statisticians performing complex operations...
A data collection plan is a detailed document. It describes the exact steps as well as the sequence that needs...