Bankruptcy is a common phenomenon in the business world. There have been many cases wherein the stalwarts of yesterday, the...
The bankruptcy of an organization is the end result of many years of organizational decline. It is not an event...
Many theorists believe that organizational decay is caused by external factors. In fact, some have gone far enough to suggest...
External causes are considered to be the number one reason behind the organizational decline. However, they do not work in...
Bankruptcy is a state in which firms are not able to meet their obligations to internal as well as external...
In the previous article, we have studied how bankruptcy prediction models have come a long way. It is true that...
When the word bankruptcy is used, the immediate image conjured is that of a company that is trying hard to...
In the previous article, we have already studied that all bankruptcies are not involuntary. In many cases, the shareholders and/or...
When a firm declares bankruptcy, this decision has an impact on all the contracts signed by the firm. The law...
Timing is everything when it comes to bankruptcy claims. Any company facing the threat of bankruptcy has a duty to...
In the previous article, we have studied about how some companies have started using bankruptcy strategically. This means that they...
In the business world, Cash is King. Companies that do not have adequate cash cannot survive for very long. This...
As mentioned in the previous article, the financing required by companies in order to keep their operations afloat after filing...
When a company files for bankruptcy, the interests of many different parties are impacted. This is the reason that bankruptcy...
The bankruptcy process takes a long period of time to resolve. During this time frame, the company takes the protection...
After a firm has filed for bankruptcy, the court provides relief against creditors and even further lawsuits. However, this is...
The disclosure statement is a legal document which every company undergoing bankruptcy in the United States is expected to create...
The disclosure statement is only the first step in the bankruptcy process. After the solicitation statement has been approved by...
After the solicitation, packages are sent out, and the creditors are given all the information that they need, it is...
When a company is facing bankruptcy, it tries to free up as much capital as possible. This freed up capital...
Debt to equity conversions is one of the most commonly used tools in the bankruptcy universe. These transactions allow companies...
Companies that file for bankruptcy also have a capital structure just like normal companies. This means that their capital structure...
Bankruptcy proceedings are often long drawn processes. The reason behind this is simple. If a company has to come out...
In most bankruptcy cases, senior classes of creditors have more power as compared to junior classes of creditors. This means...
Bankruptcy is one of the natural states which a company may find itself in. Entrepreneurship is primarily about taking risks....
In the previous article, we have learned about how corporations use bankruptcy as a strategic tool. However, it is important...