What happens to the Data we Leave Online All of us who exist online and on social media websites as...
When the suppliers are unable to entertain customers or their business strategies fail to build a good relationship with customers,...
As the business environment is changing, the profile of the organizations as well as the way of conducting business is...
What is Auditing? Auditing is the process of assessment and ascertaining of financial, operational, and strategic goals and processes in...
Brands are different from products in a way that brands are “what the consumers buy”, while products are “what concern/companies...
The corporation has been defined in many ways as interpreted by individuals; however lawyers and economists call it a nexus...
In CRM the alphabet ‘R’ means relationship. But there is always an ambiguity to understand the actual meaning of this...
Corporate Governance is the art of directing and controlling the organization by balancing the needs of the various stakeholders. This...
Visual Merchandising plays an important role in increasing the sales of any retail store. The presentation and display of the...
Network marketing or Multi Level Marketing has caught on the fancy of people across the globe and as on date...