Directing or Direction function is said to be the heart of management of process and therefore, is the central point...
Delegation of authority is a process in which the authority and powers are divided and shared amongst the subordinates. When...
Functional organization has been divided to put the specialists in the top position throughout the enterprise. This is an organization...
Employee Selection is the process of putting right men on right job. It is a procedure of matching organizational requirements...
Basis Recruitment Selection Meaning It is an activity of establishing contact between employers and applicants. It is a process of...
A manager alone cannot perform all the tasks assigned to him. In order to meet the targets, the manager should...
The managerial function of staffing involves manning the organization structure through proper and effective selection, appraisal and development of the...
Planning means looking ahead and chalking out future courses of action to be followed. It is a preparatory step. It...
Organizing is the function of management which follows planning. It is a function in which the synchronization and combination of...
DIRECTING is said to be a process in which the managers instruct, guide and oversee the performance of the workers...