A principle refers to a fundamental truth. It establishes cause and effect relationship between two or more variables under given...
The main objectives of management are: Getting Maximum Results with Minimum Efforts – The main objective of management is to...
The term “Levels of Management” refers to a line of demarcation between various managerial positions in an organization. The number...
Management as a group refers to all those persons who perform the task of managing an enterprise. When we say...
Management has been described as a social process involving responsibility for economical and effective planning & regulation of operation of...
Management is an activity concerned with guiding human and physical resources such that organizational goals can be achieved. Nature of...
Management as a discipline refers to that branch of knowledge which is connected to study of principles & practices of...
Art implies application of knowledge & skill to trying about desired results. An art may be defined as personalized application...
According to Theo Haimann, “Administration means overall determination of policies, setting of major objectives, the identification of general purposes and...
Like various other activities performed by human beings such as writing, playing, eating, cooking etc, management is also an activity...